A wide variety of post list styles can be achieved through small changes to the default blog settings or to individual blog shortcode instances. Below are examples of some of the styles which can be easily achieved through simple adjustments of shortcode parameters.

Posts Without Images

The following posts show variable image heights. This is achieved by setting the parameter “images=false”.

The full shortcode used to generate these posts:

[blog category="1,2,3" posts_per_page="2" paging="false" images=false show_category_list="false" excerpt_length="30"]

Short Images with Only Titles

These posts use a small image height and do not include excerpts or meta details.

The full shortcode used to generate these posts:

[blog category="1,2,3" posts_per_page="2" paging="false" image_width="449" image_height="100" author_avatar="false" author_link="false" show_category_list="false" excerpt_length="-1" show_date="false" comments_link="false" read_more="-1"]

Variable Image Height

These posts show variable image heights. This is achieved by setting “image_height=0” in the shortcode. The author avatar image is also excluded from these posts using “author_avatar=false“.

The full shortcode used to generate these posts:

[blog category="1,2,3" posts_per_page="2" paging="false" image_width="449" image_height="0" author_avatar="false" show_category_list="false" excerpt_length="28"]

About CampGurus

CampGurus isn’t quite home away from home… that’s what camping is for, after all! But it’s the next best thing since the discovery of a graham cracker, chocolate, and marshmallow sandwich cooked to perfection with friends and family around a nice glowing campfire.

What we’re trying to say, is… if you love camping, you have found your new online home! Find your new favorite camping spots, share with friends and family, and plan your trips. It’s all right here, waiting for you like an old friend.

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CampGurus is a camping community. Gather here and make new friends, or connect with people you already know… send messages, form groups if ya’ll have similar tastes, OR just look around to discover new camping spots and look at photos and reviews to help you plan your trips. And… it’s free to join!

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