Icons and List Shortcodes


Add icons in the form of single icons, multiple icon sets or lists. The examples below show the usage for each method and the resulting image style.

Single Icon

Insert a single icons as an image or link.
[icon size="large" icon="star"]


(string) (Optional) Icon size. Values: small, medium, large
(string) The image icon.
Values: digg, googlebuzz, delicious, twitter, dribbble, stumbleupon, youtube, vimeo, skype, facebook, facebooklike, ichat, myspace, dropbox, minus, plus, close, check, star, unstar, folder, tag, bookmark, heart, leftarrow, rightarrow, undo, redo, page, acrobat, acrobat2, word, word2, zip, zip2, powerpoint, powerpoint2, excel, excel2, document, document2, map, map2, marker, image, images, audio, play, film, film2, quicktime, clapboard, microphone, search
(string) (Optional) URL of the link for the icon.
(string) (Optional) Title attribute.
(string) (Optional) Link target attribute: blank, new, etc.
(string) (Optional) Custom CSS classes to apply to the list.


A single icon:

[icon size="large" icon="star"]

Icon Lists

Insert a series of icons as images or links.
[icon_list size="large" icon="digg, twitter, skype" link="http://digg.com, http://twitter.com, http://skype.com" target="blank"]


(string) (Optional) Icon size. Values: small, medium, large
(string) The image icon. Can be entered as a comma separated string.
Values: digg, googlebuzz, delicious, twitter, dribbble, stumbleupon, youtube, vimeo, skype, facebook, facebooklike, ichat, myspace, dropbox, minus, plus, close, check, star, unstar, folder, tag, bookmark, heart, leftarrow, rightarrow, undo, redo, page, acrobat, acrobat2, word, word2, zip, zip2, powerpoint, powerpoint2, excel, excel2, document, document2, map, map2, marker, image, images, audio, play, film, film2, quicktime, clapboard, microphone, search
(string) (Optional) URL as link for each icon. Entered as a comma separated list.
(string) (Optional) Title attribute for each icon link. Entered as a comma separated list.
(string) (Optional) Link target attribute: blank, new, etc.
(string) (Optional) A custom CSS class to apply to the list.


Large Icons

Medium Icons

Small Icons

Bulleted Lists

Insert a custom bulleted list with the bullet style of your choice.
[bullet_list icon="check"]
		<li>Your Text</li>
		<li>Your Text</li>
		<li>Your Text</li>


(string) (Optional) The bullet image. Default: “check”.
Values: digg, googlebuzz, delicious, twitter, dribbble, stumbleupon, youtube, vimeo, skype, facebook, facebooklike, ichat, myspace, dropbox, minus, plus, close, check, star, unstar, folder, tag, bookmark, heart, leftarrow, rightarrow, undo, redo, page, acrobat, acrobat2, word, word2, zip, zip2, powerpoint, powerpoint2, excel, excel2, document, document2, map, map2, marker, image, images, audio, play, film, film2, quicktime, clapboard, microphone, search
(string) (Optional) A custom CSS class to apply to the list.
(string) (Optional) Left margin of list. Example values: “1em”, “10px”


  • (digg)
  • (digg)
  • (digg)
  • (googlebuzz)
  • (googlebuzz)
  • (googlebuzz)
  • (delicious)
  • (delicious)
  • (delicious)
  • (twitter)
  • (twitter)
  • (twitter)
  • (dribbble)
  • (dribbble)
  • (dribbble)
  • (stumbleupon)
  • (stumbleupon)
  • (stumbleupon)
  • (youtube)
  • (youtube)
  • (youtube)
  • (vimeo)
  • (vimeo)
  • (vimeo)
  • (skype)
  • (skype)
  • (skype)
  • (facebook)
  • (facebook)
  • (facebook)
  • (facebooklike)
  • (facebooklike)
  • (facebooklike)
  • (ichat)
  • (ichat)
  • (ichat)
  • (myspace)
  • (myspace)
  • (myspace)
  • (dropbox)
  • (dropbox)
  • (dropbox)
  • (minus)
  • (minus)
  • (minus)
  • (plus)
  • (plus)
  • (plus)
  • (close)
  • (close)
  • (close)
  • (star)
  • (star)
  • (star)
  • (unstar)
  • (unstar)
  • (unstar)
  • (folder)
  • (folder)
  • (folder)
  • (tag)
  • (tag)
  • (tag)
  • (bookmark)
  • (bookmark)
  • (bookmark)
  • (heart)
  • (heart)
  • (heart)
  • (leftarrow)
  • (leftarrow)
  • (leftarrow)
  • (rightarrow)
  • (rightarrow)
  • (rightarrow)
  • (undo)
  • (undo)
  • (undo)
  • (redo)
  • (redo)
  • (redo)
  • (page)
  • (page)
  • (page)
  • (acrobat)
  • (acrobat)
  • (acrobat)
  • (acrobat2)
  • (acrobat2)
  • (acrobat2)
  • (word)
  • (word)
  • (word)
  • (word2)
  • (word2)
  • (word2)
  • (zip)
  • (zip)
  • (zip)
  • (zip2)
  • (zip2)
  • (zip2)
  • (powerpoint)
  • (powerpoint)
  • (powerpoint)
  • (powerpoint2)
  • (powerpoint2)
  • (powerpoint2)
  • (excel)
  • (excel)
  • (excel)
  • (excel2)
  • (excel2)
  • (excel2)
  • (document)
  • (document)
  • (document)
  • (document2)
  • (document2)
  • (document2)
  • (map)
  • (map)
  • (map)
  • (map2)
  • (map2)
  • (map2)
  • (marker)
  • (marker)
  • (marker)
  • (image)
  • (image)
  • (image)
  • (images)
  • (images)
  • (images)
  • (audio)
  • (audio)
  • (audio)
  • (play)
  • (play)
  • (play)
  • (film)
  • (film)
  • (film)
  • (film2)
  • (film2)
  • (film2)
  • (quicktime)
  • (quicktime)
  • (quicktime)
  • (clapboard)
  • (clapboard)
  • (clapboard)
  • (microphone)
  • (microphone)
  • (microphone)
  • (search)
  • (search)
  • (search)

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