Image Shortcodes


You can create various types of images to insert into your pages. Images can be resized to the dimensions specified and positioned around content.

Styled Images

Create theme styled images using the styled_image shortcode and optional settings for image dimensions, links, etc. You can also add captions and lightbox effects as needed.
[styled_image w="400" h="300" lightbox="yes" image=""]
Styled Image Shortcode (with caption)
This is an example of the [styled_image] shortcode with a caption added by inserting the parameter caption.


(integer) Image width. Exclude parameter for proportional adjustment based on height setting or set to “0” for original width.
(integer) Image height. Exclude parameter for proportional adjustment based on width setting or set to “0” for original height.
(integer/string) ID of the desired media file or URL of the image file.
(string) (Optional) Image alignment: left, right, center.
(string) (Optional) Image description or alternate text.
(string) (Optional) Caption text displayed below the image.
(string) (Optional) URL for the image link.
(string) (Optional) Open link in a lightbox: Yes, No. If opening the full size version of the image being resized the “link” parameter is not needed.
(string) (Optional) Text for link’s “rel” tag. Multiple images with the same rel tag will be connected through the lightbox next/previous buttons.


Basic styled images. The images below use the styled image shortcode with lightbox enabled. They are linked together in the lightbox with a matching rel parameter and the lightbox description text is added with the alt parameter.
Styled Image Shortcode Sample 1
Styled Image Shortcode Sample 2

Plain Image

A basic image resized and output to the specified width and height.
[plain_image w="400" h="300" image=""]


(integer) Image width. Set to “0” for original width.
(integer) Image height. Set to “0” for original height.
(integer/string) ID of the desired media file or URL of the image file.
(string) (Optional) Image alignment: left, right, center.
(string) (Optional) Image description or alternate text.


Plain Image Shortcode Sample

Resized Image URL

Returns the full URL to create a resized image at the size specified. This is useful for inserting a resized image path into other shortcodes or widgets.
[resized_image_path w="400" h="300" image=""]


(integer) Image width. Set to “0” for original width.
(integer) Image height. Set to “0” for original height.
(integer/string) ID of the desired media file or URL of the image file.


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