Contact Forms

Add unlimited custom contact forms to your site. Create custom fields by selecting the input type, validation, error messages and more. Includes CAPTCHA validation to provide a fully customized and safe email form.

  • Create custom fields (input, textarea, radio list, checkbox, etc.)
  • Set field titles.
  • Custom error messages.
  • Validation options for each filed.
  • Specify required fields.
  • Set minimum and maximum characters allowed for a field.
  • Set width and height.
  • Add description text below each field, great for providing additional instructions.
  • Custom “Send” button text.
  • CAPTCHA validation.

Form Usage

Add forms to your pages using shortcodes. You can quickly insert a form with all available fields using the basic: Basic Contact Form Shortcode [contact_form] You can also insert a custom form specifying exactly which fields to use and override any defaults you like by entering: Advanced Contact Form Shortcode
[contact_form to="" subject="Message Subject" thankyou="Thank you message" button="Text for Button" captcha="yes" fields="field-1,field-2,field-3,field-4" ]
Each time you create a new field you must specify an alias, or “key”, for that field. Using the alias name in the shortcode “fields” option you can include only the fields you choose from all available fields. Contact Form Shortcode Parameters »

Contact Form Settings

Contact Form Admin Options

Contact Form – Custom Fields

Contact Form - Add custom field
A complete list of all shortcode parameters is available on the contact form shortcode page.

About CampGurus

CampGurus isn’t quite home away from home… that’s what camping is for, after all! But it’s the next best thing since the discovery of a graham cracker, chocolate, and marshmallow sandwich cooked to perfection with friends and family around a nice glowing campfire.

What we’re trying to say, is… if you love camping, you have found your new online home! Find your new favorite camping spots, share with friends and family, and plan your trips. It’s all right here, waiting for you like an old friend.

What is CampGurus?

CampGurus is a camping community. Gather here and make new friends, or connect with people you already know… send messages, form groups if ya’ll have similar tastes, OR just look around to discover new camping spots and look at photos and reviews to help you plan your trips. And… it’s free to join!

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